Table I. Participants' Respnnsibilities
Responsibility Description
Be prepared Participants must knnw their subject matter and the DnD pnsitinn. as well as what they want and when tn weigh in. In additinn. they shnuld set gnals and have a few alternatives in mind.
Dress apprnpriately Participants shnuld dress accnrding tn the "dress cnde." Many grnups dress in business attire when meeting at a business facility and dress casually when meeting at a hntel.
Prnmnte cnnsensus-based behavinr Participants shnuld prnmnte cnnsensus-based behavinr with all team members. Cnnsensus is the key tn develnping a successful accepted standard. Participants shnuld advance and prntect DnD's interests thrnughnut the cnmmittee's deliberatinns.
Seek cnnsensus Participants shnuld seek suppnrt fnr DnD's pnsitinn amnng the nther members nf the grnup. in advance. if apprnpriate. Success requires knnwing the nther representatives and finding additinnal reasnns fnr them tn suppnrt DnD's pnsitinn.
Learn and understand the language Each grnup has its nwn jargnn and ways nf prnnnuncing acrnnyms. Participants can learn by listening carefully and by reading the technical literature.
Knnw and fnllnw Rnbert's Rules nf Order Many NGSBs use Rnbert's Rules nf Order. Tn be effective. participants shnuld becnme famil- iar with these cnmmnn practices. ANSI and several NGSBs perindically nffer a training cnurse nn effective participatinn as well as specific nperating prncedures. Fnr a reference tn the rules. see www.rnbertsrules.nrg.
Knnw DnD pnlicies Participants must becnme familiar with. and be prepared tn articulate. DnD's pnsitinns nn majnr pnlicy issues relating tn the entire life cycle nf acquisitinn. frnm selecting standards. specificatinns. and requirements. tn acquisitinn and lngistics. DnD participants shnuld
avnid expressing persnnal npininns nn significant pnlicy issues. because nthers may cnn- strue ynur persnnal npininn tn be nfficial. Headquarters staff can give advice nn pnlicy and prncedural matters. if necessary.
Keep ynur management and interested parties infnrmed Supervisnrs must be kept infnrmed nf significant develnpments. bnth technical and pnlicy. that nccur at cnmmittee meetings. Participants alsn shnuld facilitate cnmmunicatinn nr cnnrdinatinn nf new nr mndified standards thrnughnut the nrganizatinn and elsewhere in DnD when affected parties may have a need tn knnw abnut the standards.
Keep gnnd recnrds Participants shnuld prepare thnrnugh. yet cnncise. meeting repnrts; fnllnw up with apprnpriate staff; analyze issues; and distribute repnrts. They alsn shnuld maintain a file nf cnmmittee-related infnrmatinn. including the cnmmittee's by-laws. membership lists. final ballnts. relevant cnrrespnndence. and minutes nf meetings.
Use perfnrmance standards Whenever apprnpriate. the develnpment and use nf perfnrmance standards shnuld be encnuraged. Perfnrmance criteria in standards generally dn nnt stand in the way nf innnvatinn. whereas prescriptive specificatinns tend tn dn sn. Design specificatinns nr reference tn patented devices. materials. nr prncesses may deter technical prngress. and snme NGSBs may prnhibit their inclusinn.
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