tives of their organizations. As a practical matter, individuals who participate at the expense of their organization may be expected to reflect the interests of their organiza- tion, irrespective of the society's official position.When a Government agency is fund- ing participation, the Government employee or support contractor must participate as
a representative of their agency, and not as an individual. Generally, professional soci-
eties promote the interests of their professionals.A society of a specific kind of engi- neer may help advance a field of engineering, continue the education and professional development of those engineers, and support development of new engineers entering that field. Many professional society standards writing organizations are accredited by ANSI as operating in full compliance to openness, due process, balance, and trans- parency.
Standards Developing Organizations
A few NGSBs, such as ASTM International, were specifically founded to develop stan- dards and are categorized as standards developing organizations (SDOs). Membership
in an SDO is not limited to a particular industry or profession. Membership fees are
generally low, facilitating participation by individuals not sponsored by an employer. SDOs typically operate with little bias in the standards development process as a whole.There may be specific committees with some degree of bias, but rules govern- ing balance do a good job of policing and limiting such bias. One benefit of an SDO is the opportunity to embark on standards development in virtually any field of endeavor when sufficient interest is expressed by users, producers, and other interested parties. Another benefit is the very strict balance and due process requirements for standards development, voting, and appeal. However, these same benefits can become
stumbling blocks to rapid development of standards. Because SDOs allow for participa- tion by virtually anyone willing to pay the membership fee, participants with no real stake in the outcome may become involved in the development process.This open participation practice sometimes greatly benefits the resulting standard and sometimes
is detrimental to the process. Government participation in standards development is exactly the same as for any other participant. Government members pay their appro- priate fees and participate in the standards development as full partners in the process, including preparing drafts, commenting on drafts, and voting on final standards.
Testing and Laboratory Organizations
Some organizations, such as Underwriters Laboratories (UL), may provide services such as testing products to their standards or to other standards.The standards these
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