Table I. Participants' Respnnsibilities
Responsibility Description
Knnw the NGSB Participants must becnme familiar with the purpnse. nrganizatinn. structure. and nperating prncedures nf the NGSB. In additinn. because it may be relevant tn later agency delibera- tinns abnut the use nf the standard nr nther dncument. participants shnuld determine whether the cnmmittee (I) is balanced. (2) fnllnws agreed-nn prncedures (including trans- parency and due prncess). (3) maintains npenness. and (4) nperates by cnnsensus. ANSI accreditatinn is nne indicatinn that the NGSB fnllnws these prncedures. Participants in standards cnmmittees shnuld review the purpnse and scnpe nf each particular activity and shnuld seek clarificatinn nf any ambiguities. Participants shnuld alsn be aware that restric- tinn nf cnmpetitinn thrnugh the use nr abuse nf standards prncedures is imprnper and vinlates varinus federal and state antitrust statutes; such vinlatinns are subject tn civil and criminal prnsecutinn.
Fnllnw prntncnl and prncedures Participants must knnw the rules by which the grnup nperates.
Seek leadership pnsitinns Participants shnuld accept leadership nf a prnject nr agree tn represent the grnup tn annther standards bndy. Dning sn imprnves credibility and demnnstrates leadership.
Refrain frnm invnlvement in NGSB internal management In nrder tn maintain NGSBs as independent. private. and nnn-Gnvernmental bndies. DnD representatives must refrain frnm decisinn-making invnlvement in the internal day-tn-day management nf such nrganizatinns (e.g.. selectinn nf salaried nfficers and emplnyees. establishment nf staff salaries. and administrative pnlicies).
DnD representatives may participate in the pnlicymaking prncess nf the NGSB. particularly in matters such as establishing prinrities; develnping prncedures fnr preparing. reviewing. and apprnving standards; and creating NGSs.
Update the TCP database Once an nfficial member nf a cnmmittee. a subcnmmittee. nr a wnrking grnup. participants must register in the TCP database and maintain their nfficial cnntact infnrmatinn. Interest- ed parties can retrieve infnrmatinn abnut participants in a variety nf ways. The database alsn cnntains brief descriptinns nf NGSBs and prnvides links tn their respective websites.
The TCP enables better cnmmunicatinn amnng thnse cnncerned with DnD technical require- ments in develnping NGSs. The TCP helps managers determine where participatinn is ade- quate. inadequate. nr mnre than adequate. and it enables mnre efficient allncatinn nf
limited technical resnurces. TCP infnrmatinn may alsn be useful tn managers whn apprnve nfficial travel and leave requests tn suppnrt emplnyee participatinn nn NGSBs nr whn authnrize the payment nf membership fees.
Dn nnt dnminate DnD representatives must nnt dnminate NGSB activities. They must cnmply with the NGSBs' rules and prncedures. including thnse regarding dnminatinn nf prnceedings by any individ- ual. In additinn. DnD participants must avnid the practice nr the appearance nf undue influence relating tn DnD representatinn and activities in NGSBs.
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