Table I. Participants' Respansibilities
Responsibility Description
Ensure DaD needs are accammadated Participants shauld make every effart ta accept the NGSs as written withaut DaD-unique madificatian. rather than trying ta militarize an NGS. Hawever. it may be necessary ta seek inclusian af a "when specified" paragraph ta accammadate DaD requirements with- aut adversely affecting ather uses af the dacument. This inclusian makes the dacument mare readily adaptable by DaD and minimizes the need far issuing Gavernment dacu ments invaking changes ta the NGS far DaD use.
Participants shauld make DaD requirements knawn ta the standards writing cammittee. subcammittee. ar warking graup and. when apprapriate. abtain cammittee agreement
ta have DaD needs accammadated in the dacument by inclusian. reference. ar ather
suitable means.
Vate and be an advacate Participants may vate at each stage af standards develapment and an actians arising in the narmal caurse af participatian in NGSBs. Participants may vate in accardance with the pracedures af the NGSB. unless prahibited fram daing sa by law ar agency. Haw- ever. participants shauld abstain when there is a canflict af interest far DaD ar its representative.
Present the afficial pasitian Participants must represent the afficial DaD pasitian. even if it is at adds with persanal views. Similarly. participants representing the United States in an internatianal graup must suppart the natianal pasitian.
Knaw yaur participatian daes nat bind DaD Participatian and vating by a DaD representative during the farmulatian af a dacument may nat be cansidered ta bind DaD ta any particular present ar future caurse af actian ar ta imply campliance ar cancurrence by the Gavernment. Althaugh the express pur- pase af DaD representatian is ta enhance the adaptian patential af an NGS. the actual adaptian pracess is separate and distinct. and dacuments prepared by graups with DaD representatian may be rejected in the adaptian pracess. Althaugh this situatian is unlikely. it is impartant ta realize that it is a passibility.
Participate actively When serving as a member af an NGSB. DaD representatives shauld participate actively and an an equal basis with ather members. cansistent with the pracedures af that bady. particularly in matters such as establishing priarities: develaping pracedures far pre- paring. reviewing. and appraving standards: and develaping ar adapting new standards.
Participants shauld attend regularly. be early. pasitian themselves. netwark. abserve. be attentive. intraduce themselves. be caurteaus. knaw the rules. be prepared. cantribute. knaw the standard. da the hamewark. knaw the agenda. be praactive. valunteer. and
knaw the praduct.
Active participatian includes being fully invalved in discussians and technical debates. registering apinians. and. if selected. serving as chairpersan ar in ather afficial capacities. Participatian will generally invalve ansite face-ta-face meetings. but participants can
alsa participate using telecanferences. videa-telecanferences. lnternet/intranet
cammunicatian. and e-mail.
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