5.18.5 Identification of deleted paragraphs, tables, and figures. To avoid renumbering of paragraphs, tables, and figures deleted by a change, the word "Deleted" shall be placed after the paragraph, table, or figure number and title. For example: "4.4.5 Abrasion test. Deleted."
5.18.6 Insertion of paragraphs, figures, and tables. When new paragraphs, figures, or tables are added to the standard, they should be numbered in such a way that renumbering of existing paragraphs, figures, and tables is not necessary. For example:
Existing |
Added |
Existing |
Table II Figure 2 Paragraph 4.11 |
Table II-1 Figure 2A Paragraph 4.11.1 |
Table III Figure 3 Paragraph 4.12 |
5.18.7 Page numbering. Since changes are an integrated part of the basic or revised document, pages shall be numbered in a natural sequence of whole Arabic numerals as described in 4.13. As pages are added or eliminated as the result of changes, there should not be any inventive numbering schemes to account for these pages. For example, if a change results in a new page between existing pages 8 and 9, do not number the new page as 8a or 8.1. Instead, let word processing automatically renumber the pages.
5.19 Notices.
5.19.1 Purpose. Notices shall be used to inactivate for new design, cancel, reinstate, reactivate, or to provide or update administrative information. Notices supersede all previous notices.
5.19.2 Inactive for new design notice. An inactive for new design notice shall be prepared to indicate that an interface, method, practice, or process is prohibited for use in new design (see figure 10). Superseding documents for new design application shall be referenced in the notice when applicable. When applicable, a precautionary note shall be included as follows: "CAUTION: The superseding information is valid as of the date of this notice and may be superseded by subsequent revisions of the superseding document." Inactive status can also be accomplished in a revision. Standards inactivated for new design may be maintained by revision or change without updating of the existing inactive for new design notice. When an inactive for new design document is revised or a change issued, one of the following notes shall appear in a box beneath the document title, as applicable:
This document is inactive for new design.
This document is inactive for new design. Refer to (fill in document identifier) for new designs.
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