requirements accurately reflect user needs. Users also can help prioritize requirements and identify and resolve potential suitability issues.
• Perform continuous commercial item market research. Market research includes system obsolescence profiling to plan for the continued support or replacement of soon-to-be obsolete products.
• Project the manufacturer's product support period and inventories.
• Integrate market research results with field data, including information technology, obso- lescence projections, system supportability, performance requirements, reliability, maintain- ability, availability, and logistics.
• Ensure that product obsolescence information is part of the overall system life-cycle plan- ning.
• Plan and provide for testing. Commercial products change rapidly and may have undis- closed design changes. In addition, products being considered for system technology refreshment need to be tested within a system context to verify functionality.Testing is necessary to ensure that engineering changes do not have a negative effect on system per- formance.
• Use product selection factors that include product maturity; manufacturer production and support history, stability, and flexibility; market share; and upward/downward compatibili- ty. These need to be weighted as to their relative importance and influence on DMSMS risks.
• Continually analyze the product to project and prioritize product obsolescence issues; to refine budget estimates; to identify emergent or unplanned commercial item support issues due to changing business or market conditions such as bankruptcies, mergers, and product line changes; and to determine alternatives to avoid obsolescence situations.
• Tailor risk analyses to take into account such factors as market conditions, technology longevity and supportability, optimum technology refresh cycles, numbers of system con- figurations, and risk mitigation strategies.
The risk mitigation strategies should be identified in the integrated program plan, a "living" document that is continuously updated to address overall strategic planning, including program decisions and changes, and to project the system's evolution.The plan also should address com- mercial item support options such as end-of-life buys, extended warranties, license extensions, technology refreshment, third-party maintenance, and data rights.
For more information, see Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages:A Guide- book of Best Practices and Tools for Implementing a DMSMS Management Program, SD-22, published by the Defense Standardization Program Office in September 2009.
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