under acquisition requirements as 6.2. Options shall be listed in the sequence in which they appear in the standard and shall include the following information as a minimum:
"6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should specify the following:
a. Title, number, and date of the standard."
5.12.4 Associated DIDs. If a standard is the source document for a DID(s), the
following paragraph shall be included in section 6. In the case of a sectionalized standard, it may be included under an associated individual task, requirement, or test method.
"6.X Associated Data Item Descriptions (DIDs). This standard has been assigned an Acquisition Management Systems Control (ASMC) number authorizing it as the source document for the following DIDs. When it is necessary to obtain the data, the applicable DIDs must be listed on the Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423).
DID Number DID Title
The above DIDs were current as of the date of this standard. The ASSIST database should be researched at or to ensure that only current and approved DIDs are cited on the DD Form 1423."
5.12.5 Tailoring guidance for contractual application. When appropriate, section 6 shall include a paragraph to assist users of the document to identify and select options contained within the standard.
5.12.6 Supersession data. If a standard supersedes three or more documents, those documents shall be listed.
5.12.7 Cross-reference. A cross-reference of old to new classifications showing sub- stitutability relationship shall be included, if applicable.
5.12.8 Patent notice. When a standard is prepared to cover a patented process, method, practice, or item, the standard shall list the patents involved and include the following paragraph.
"6.X Patent notice. The Government has a royalty-free license under the following listed patents for the benefit of manufacturers of the item either for the Government or for use in equipment to be delivered to the Government.
U.S. patent number"
If royalty-free licenses are not obtainable, the standard shall list the patents together with their expiration date and the statement that the Government does not have a royalty-free license.
5.12.9 Subject term (key word) listing. Standards shall contain a listing of subject terms
(key words) to enable the document to be identified during retrieval searches. If the standard
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